As soon as I passed the VCAP5-DCA I scheduled the VCAP5-DCD exam. I scheduled the DCD exam for 30 days after the VCAP5-DCA exam.
The registration process for the DCD exam is identical to the DCA exam. You need pre-approval from VMware and a registration code in order to register for the exam on the Pearson-Vue site. The exam is given at the "Pearson Professional" center which could impact exam scheduling. There are only a few Pearson Professional exam centers in each region, and they are quite busy with non-IT exams.
I went into the exam without an expectation of passing. I was hoping for a passing score, but honestly I got burned by the DCA so bad I didn't expect to pass this. About half way through the exam I was feeling better, but I was still surprised with I clicked finish and got my score and passed. Unlike the DCA you get your score immediately when you finish the exam.
Just like the DCA exam time management plays a big role in the DCD exam. This exam has multiple choice, drag and drop, and "visio like" questions. What worked for me from a time management perspective was going straight through the exam answering all of the non-visio questions, then going back and answering the visio questions. You do need to make sure you have enough time left to tackle the visio questions, I had 105 minutes left when I started the visio questions and 30 minutes left when I finished and started reviewing other questions.
This is a difficult exam to prepare for. It feels very "cumulative", not just from a VMware perspective but from an IT Infrastructure perspective. If you have years of experince with large scale IT projects you will have a cumulative knowledge that will help you with this exam. I would take this exam after the VCAP5-DCA, there is some crossover material on the blueprint for this exam that could help.
Tips :
- Use good test taking strategy like any multiple choice test. Eliminate answers that can't be correct. Flag questions you don't know in case you run into the answer later.
- Track your time. Make sure you get all of the easy, quick, points out of the way first. Make sure you keep enough time for the visio questions.
- Pluralsight - Designing VMware Infrastructure by Scott Lowe
- VCAP5-DCD Certification guide by Paul McSharry
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